BLS sales off to slow start has a post today about slower than expected initial sales of the new Cadillac BLS.
Production began in April and May was the first full month of sales. Sales to-date total slightly more than 400 units. However, even though this is less than 50% the rate needed to reach target Cadillac has stated of 10,000 per year - it is already the best selling Cadillac model.
While Autoblog seems to think that this is a sign that the BLS is a failure, we and Cadillac would likely agree that the first full month of sales is a touch early to make that claim.
Once word-of-mouth kicks in, sales are likely to rise.
See the Autoblog post here: - Cadillac BLS a bust in Europe?
or, if your are up on your Swedish - you can read the article they based their post on:
GP Ekonomi & Politik - Cadillac i Trollhättan mot totalfiasko